"Waste –A Global emerging problem for our planet"


Pyrolysis is a common term for a carbonisation process where the chemical compounds of biomass are decomposed, all in a low-oxygen atmosphere. This thermo-chemical process releases final products such as: gas, liquid, or char.
 Slow pyrolysis (low temperatures ca. 400C over a long period of time) is used to produce:
 Rapid Pyrolysis (fast heated at high temperatures ca.1000 – 10000/s C) is used to produce:
Bio-Oil & Gas

Pyrolysis Technology Products
There is thorough research and evaluation done of the waste management problem a prospective client may have. The quantity and quality of re-usable energy products is solely based on the component of the unsorted waste arriving at the plant. The humidity and caloric value of the unsorted waste as well as other factors predicts the value of the outcome . This data is collected and is part of the analysis done by our company prior to establishing a quote for a client.

The research of the chemical composition of the waste as well as other parameters play a significant role in what re-usable energy product is desired and obtainable. Bio-Oil: can be combusted in boilers, gas turbines or generators to produce electricity. It not as stable as conventional fuels and needs to be further processed in order to be utilized as bio-diesel.

Bio-Char: can be used as fertilizer, carbon black, rubber runways, in asphalt, new tires tires
Bio-Gas: Products: Propane, Propylene, CO, CO2

Pyrolysis Plant
In the Pyrolysis plant there is various machinery in the flow of the waste management process.
In most cases the plant is divided into four component parts:
 Sorting machine, manual or automatic sorting system
 Machinery to process organic material into fertilizer
 Pyrolysis Reactor and supporting machinery to process solid waste to bio-fuels, syngas, carbon black
 Generator equipment to produce electricity

Depending on the capacity of waste, the amount of tonnes/day is a factor of how many employees are needed to operate the plant. For a pyrolysis plant processing 50 tonnes/day of solid unsorted waste a number of 8-10 employees is required but is not limited to that. Based on the capacity of waste processing per day , and relevant factors which include a continuous operation or a batch type system, allow calculations of operating cost to be exactly determined for the client. An example of a plant design option:

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Address : Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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